Considering the magnitude of the crime we've seen very little coverage of the proposed release of President Reagan's would be assassin, John Hinkley. Although Federal prosecutors have opposed his release we haven't had any comment, to date, from the White House on Hinkley's release from a mental hospital.
Watch Larry King Interview with Reagan here.
This is the six shot 22 caliber revolver Hinkley used in the assassination attempt. AP Photo |
Hinkley was found not guilty by reason of insanity for shooting 4 people including, Washington D.C. police officer,
Thomas Delahanty, Secret Service agent Timothy McCarthy, White House press secretary, James Brady and President Reagan. But he was sane enough to meticulously plan his assassination attempt including using ammunition that would explode on impact and cause the most damage. These
Devastator rounds had to be removed by surgeons wearing bullet proof vests.
If Hinkley is released it won't be without precedent. Harry Truman's would be assassin, Oscar Collazo's sentence was commuted by President Jimmy Carter in 1979. Nothing good came of it. Collazo was totally non repentant. He returned to Puerto Rico to a hero's welcome by Puerto Rican indepentance groups and was later given a hero's welcome by Fidel Castro in Cuba. So much for gratitude. We should have shot the son of a bitch.
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