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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Energy for America

There is a new organization and website that has been established to inform and educate American's on our current energy policy or lack of it, the availability of energy resources in America and a strategy for utilizing those resources in a safe, environmentally responsible manner and economically beneficial manner.  You can visit the web site here at Energy For America  I would encourage you to become informed on this important issue. Tapping into our natural resources is going to benefit our country not only by putting people back to work on a massive scale but it's also going to immediately reduce our foreign trade imbalance.  If we, as American's fail to take action become energy self sufficient the same thing that happened to Gary, Indiana, that I wrote about here is going to happen to the whole country.   (If the prospect of what happened to Gary Indiana and countless other Steel Mill cities across America doesn't wake you up to action nothing will.)

I've embedded a video below from the American Oil Shale Association which is related to the Energy for America approach.  This video presents a reasonable approach as simply one avenue we can utilize our own energy resources.

Again the Energy for America web site is comprehensive and I encourage to explore it. If your inclined and motivated sign up and become part of the solution.

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