Why is everyone in such an uproar over the videos of Saddam’s hanging? Why are our own government officials acting shocked? “We would have done it differently, etc. are the quotes from our own government. Why are American’s afraid to say, Screw you! You bastard. You hurt us and you brutalized and terrorized thousands of your own people and the Kurds, now this is what we’ll do to you!
Something terrible has happened to our country. We have become a Nation of apologists….trying to please a world that only wants to see us destroyed.
In WWII General Macarthur ordered the execution of Japan’s Premier and Military High Commander Tojo. The photos of his hanging were celebrated around the World and were happily published in Life Magazine and other publications including in China who suffered terribly at the hands of the Japs, remember Nanjing?
Click Here

Preparations for the hanging of Tojo,The Razor, Premier of Japan at Macarthur's Order
My note: Doesn’t this US Military Police guy in the photo behind Tojo look like he’s “taunting” Tojo? At a minimum he’s certainly enjoying his job.
And while were thinking about it what is wrong with soldiers getting a little personal satisfaction from the leaders ultimately responsible for the death of their comrades? Have you ever seen your friends shot, tortured, blown up and killed in battle. I think the popular liberal psyco babble term is "Having closure." I’m sure the American press at the time did not call for the arrest and court marshal of this soldier.
Have you seen the photos of Saddam’s hanging?
It seems to me Tojo’s were very similar to Saddam's. With Tojo everyone thought, at the time, that the “son of a bitch” got what he deserved. However, today’s American Liberals and the world liberal press, cringe at the photos of Saddam, and say, “Gee we're so sorry for this. It wasn't handled properly”. What a bunch of crap.
Today’s leaders need to get a set of balls! Blair and Bush included. (I applaud Bush for going after the bastard. I just regret his recent mea culpa’s for the video’s and the manner in which the execution was carried out. Pay attention people this is not new. President Bush and the United States didn't invent this, we didn't cause this, we didn't start this but as the Harvard educated Admiral who worked under Tojo once said, "We have aroused a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve."
A rope is placed around Saddam's neck before his execution. Photo: AP/IRAQI TV
I Think Tojo’s rope was bigger. Saddam should be pissed off. “Hey, why did Tojo get a bigger rope than me? Tojo did get a bag over his head but personally, think about it, I’d prefer to be able to see the final moments of my life. You know what it’s like to have a burlap bag over your head, your breath is damp and moist inside the bag….Oh shit I think Saddam got better treatment than Tojo! Where was the guy who was suppose to show up with the bag for Saddam’s head? I think that’s what the Iraq government should be investigating. Give these poor bastards who took the video a commendation medal for capturing a moment in History. (Post script: I found out after doing additional research that Saddam refused to wear a hood. What a stand up nice guy!)
For further reading on, “The disposal of dictators” Read the Hoover Institutions report. Especially interesting here is what happened to the Nazi’s
.Hoover Report
Let us not forget the fall of the Shah of Iran.

Revolution: 1979-1999
The Shah's generals before their trial at a press conference on the evening of 23rd of Bahman (Feb 12, 1979) held at the Alavi School in Tehran: (From left): Air Force Commander Rabii; Tehran Martial Law Governor Mehdi Rahimi; Air Force General Ayat Mahaghghi; Isfahan Martial Law Governor Reza Naji.
(Note: When I was in the Navy (1975 1979) we were training the Israeli Air Force in 1975 in Pensacola Florida and then a year later when I got stationed at Point Mugu, California we were training the Iranian Imperial Air Force. I worked with both organizations, taking air to air photos of engagements between Drone's configured with a radar signature to look like Russian Migs. The US had sold F 14 Tomcat’s to both governments and as I remember it we were training them on the use of the “sidewinder missile.”

Revolution: 1979-1999
Generals executed days after the fall of the monarchy: Bottom: Isfahan Martial Law Governor Reza Nazi; (top right); Tehran Martial Law Governor Mehdi Rahimi; (top left) Army Aviation Commander Manuchehr Khosrowdad.
As long as I’m on this thread…..How about IL Duce? For more of the following check out this site.
IL Duce Life Magazine (Man of the Year LOL)

Close-up of Mussolini in a pile of bodies. His mistress is right next to him.

IL Duce Seriously Dead
Do our politicians and the liberal main stream media think we are stupid and have no memory of the past? The answer is YES!!!! And the truth is YES!!! Even some of my closest friends think we are a bad evil super power trying to impose our will on the world.
However, the truth is we are the last stand against a deteriorating, decadent world that is being led down a path of destruction by liberal fuzzy thinking where there are no absolutes.
The Colonel about to be dead.
And now we have the assassination of another world leader. But this time it's at that hands of Hussein Obama the Magic President of the United States. What's funny is unlike with Saddam's death photos no one in the US Government or the Main Stream Media seemed bothered at all by these images. You think it might have something to do with the political affiliation of the president in power. Yep. If a democrat is running the show and kills people it's OK but a Republican, oh my God, how barbaric!