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Monday, November 26, 2018

The American Invention that Changed the World.

Today November 26, should be recognized World Wide as Willis Haviland Carrier Day.  Air Conditioning is probably one of the most significant inventions in the world.  Sadly it goes mostly unrecognized.

 Why is that?

The world over this man and his scientific contribution to world economies and human comfort are, overlooked and neglected.  Every human being walking the face of the earth, Every Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist Atheist, Agnostic,Non believer, Heathen, Apostate, Taoist, Confucian, Jansenist, Shintoist, everyone should take a knee tomorrow and thank this man.

Why doesn't my wonderful Great America take the Bragging Rights and Herald this inventor and invention that continues to change and shape the world we live in today.   Would the great Skyscrapers of New Your City exist without Air Conditioning?   Would modern Dubai, or Toyko, exist as we know it?   Even the Great Mosque of Mecca has air conditioning.   Do those praying to their Allah ever stop to thank the infidel who invented the contraption that allows them to pray in comfort?  I doubt it.
The above drawing from Carrier Corporation depicts Willis and his co working contemplating the ramifications of his invention.  The caption reads, "...thankfully air conditioning spread through the industry like a "cool breeze".

Since no one else will,  I hereby and herein declare November 26,  Willis Haviland Carrier Day.

You gotta love this 1950's photo with Willis himself with...what is this?  Yes it appears he's "Objectifying" woman.   Oh my, what a naughty man.  This ad for carrier would never make it through today's politically correct police. LOL

The US used to be the world's' largest consumer of Air Conditioning but according to this article in Energy Magazine.   China and Asia are soon to surpass us.  China loves our Technology but doesn't like to say thank you or pay for it.

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